Setting working directory in R - setwd getwd
In this tutorial we will understand what is a working directory and how to change it using setwd and getwd
Setting working directory in R - setwd getwd
Visualisations in R (base package)
Summary function in R
class function in R
Getting frequency distribution in R : Table function
dim, nrow, ncol in R - Number of rows and columns in a dataframe
Encoding Categorical Variables in Python
Transposing / Reshaping data in Python (wide and long formats)
Standardisation and Normalisation in Python
Creating training and Test sets in Python
Logistic Regression in Python
Logistic Regression
Hierarchical Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering in Python
Decision Trees in Python
Performance Metrics for Classification Problems
K Means Clustering in Python
K-Means Clustering
Grid Search in Python
Grid Search Explained