Let us say you plan to meet a friend (That friend who usually cancels the plan at the end moment; Yes! That traitor who ditches you at the very last moment!) You always keep a second option with you:
Option 1: Meet that friend.
Option 2: If the friend doesn't turn up then you will play a video game
Option 3: If your friend does not turn up and you don't feel like playing a video game then you will go to sleep.
These what if scenarios are represented by IF-ELSE statements in R.
In R, you can create variables as well as datasets when certain conditions apply.
For this tutorial we shall be leveraging R's mtcars dataset.
Using ifelse( ) function:
In R, if you want to create new variable in an already existing dataset then you can simply use ifelse( ) function.
ifelse( Condition to be evaluated, Value if the condition is TRUE, Value if the condition is FALSE)
Let us say I want to create a new variable named 'status' where a car has status = "High Mileage" if that car's mileage(mpg) is more than the average mileage of all the cars.
mtcars$Status = ifelse(mtcars$mpg > mean(mtcars$mpg),"High mileage","Low mileage")
Using Nested ifelse( ):
Suppose you need to have more than 2 conditions to be checked, then we try to have multiple ifelse statements in one single line of code. This is known as nested if-else.
This can be better explained with the help of an example:
Suppose, Status = "High mileage" if a car's mpg is greater than 67th quantile mileage of all the cars,
Status = "Medium mileage" if a car's mpg is between 34th and 67th quantile mileage of all the cars,
Otherwise Status = "Low mileage"
mtcars$Status = ifelse(mtcars$mpg > quantile(mtcars$mpg,0.67),"High mileage",
ifelse(mtcars$mpg > quantile(mtcars$mpg,0.33),"Medium mileage","Low mileage"))
ifelse(Condition 1 , Value when condition 1 is TRUE,
ifelse(Condition 2, Value when condition is FALSE but condition 2 is TRUE, value when both condition 1 and 2 are FALSE))
Basically, you are replacing the part (Value if the condition is FALSE) by an ifelse( ) function.
Note: ifelse( ) function is only used to create variables in only existing dataset or new variables , it is NOT AT ALL USED FOR CREATING NEW DATAFRAMES.
Using if else chunk...
You can create variables and datasets using if-else chunks:
if (condition 1){
### Do something when condition 1 is TRUE
} else{
### Do something when condition 1 is FALSE }
It is not necessary that you always have the else( ) chunk.
In the next set of code, we are creating a status variable using the if-else chunk( ) and for loop.
for(i in 1:nrow(mtcars)){
if(mtcars$mpg[i] > mean(mtcars$mpg)){
mtcars$status[i] = "High" }else{
mtcars$status[i] = "Low" }
Note: NEVER write it in this way (Following is an incorrect way):
if(condition 1){
#### Do something when condition 1 is TRUE
### Do something when condition 1 is FALSE
This is because after the '}' of if condition R looks for a else ( ) or else if ( ) keyword in the same line, but providing 'else ( )' in the next line is telling R that there is no else( ) statement.
Creating new datasets using if-else( ) chunk.
Let us say I am doing some computations, I want that when i =1 then the data should be stored in consolidated_data , and in successive iterations the output should get appended by rows in the consolidated_data.
for(i in 1:4){
if(i == 1){
consolidated_data = mtcars} else{
consolidated_data = rbind(consolidated_data ,mtcars)
Using Nested ifelse chunk:
When you have multiple conditions to be checked you can use the if - else if- else chunk .
Syntax: if (condition 1){ ### Do something when condition 1 is TRUE } else if(condition 2) { ### Do something when condition 1 is FALSE but condition 2 is TRUE } else { ### Do something when conditions 1 and 2 are FALSE } For eg. The following code will print "Roses smell sweet" because fav_flower has been initialized to "Rose"
fav_flower= "Rose"
if(fav_flower == "Lily"){
print("Lilies are beautiful")
}else if (fav_flower == "Rose"){
print("Roses smell sweet")
print("You don't have a good taste! :P")
Note: In for loops and if-else ( ) chunks, if you want to print something then you need to mention print( ) keyword explicitly.